
domenica 15 settembre 2013

I will not forget!

When I often enough walk around my beloved Rome with friends that come from Ireland or Brasil or even from Australia and all over the world, I like to show them, in the midst of all the symbols (unseen to the crowd) that shine and glitter in the Enternal City, the deep golden line that breathes troughout the centuries, in the flow of an eternal river, and calls to us from our deepest soul. So there, here I am with two dear friends whose names I'll keep to myself; here I am ready for a spyral trip to heaven, from the Trajan colum to the soft snowy lantern of Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza. And when I speak, of emperors and myths, all things run to sit in their own place, in an order that is no more human but cosmic in its own happy way. I speak and see the eyes bright up in recognicion as if the long lost story, that is inside each one of us comes true again in a glimpse of truth, with eyes wide open to the mystery all around us...
Well then, my words follow the thing which I hold deep down, but sometimes, oh dear, my memory runs wild and I forget all that I know as if that pearl is not needed in my necklace.. It happened, last time, in front of the Bernini Elephant that carries its obelisk where once there was the temple of Isis, then of Minerva and now a chirch of the Dominicans. By Jove, I cannot recall the story, why an elephant? I try and try to recall the stories that I lnow, but nothing. Never mind, the Panthoen is there, in all its perfect beauty and full of stories that want to be told. I am about to leave my elephant alone in the square when, believe it or not, I hear its marble voice: "Oh dear, oh dear, can't you remember? Why then, too bad. An elephant never forgets!". And turning around I catch a glimpse of his big bum, with a coiled tail, facing the convent of the Dominicans. Now I remember!: Bernini had a row with a dominican priest who thought he new better than the master and that is why the elephant (which means one needs a strong structure to hold all the knowledge in life, this is a lesson for all...) turns its back on the convent and on me, for once. I will not forget, next time, I promise...