
giovedì 21 maggio 2015

Ok maybe tomorrow

On this coldish Thursday of may, with the wind sweeping cats and stripes of tattered clouds in a sky that is the colour of a torquoise, off I went together with two delightful irish ladies and a lovely chinese girl (who has lived in Ireland for the last fifteen years) for one of my very special walks in the Eternal City. I will not, of course, tell you what we saw and what I said (this you might discover one day, joining me for a two hour spiritual tour…), and how Augustus came to life and seemed one and all with us, walking in a City that was his and is no more. Up we went on the Capitol Hill, threading on Michelangelo’s magnificent staircase, made for happy human feet, and, oh, the beauties of the Forum seen from up above, under the sacred presence of the Roman twins, one and all, the first king of the little town hich would be great! There, yes, there, the Palatine, where Augustus lived in simplicity, loving as he did the “antiqui mores” of his ancestors… Here, right here, the arch of Septimius Severus, the African emperor who lived in Leptis Magna (its pink remains in Lybia I always craved to see and never did and maybe never will…), and while I am there, telling how Tiberius succeded in being Augusto’s successor against the will of the great Pontifex Maximus, through the charms and bets of his great mother Livia, my cellphone rings. I answer. It is Mrs G., the lady who keeps my bank account, and she goes on merrily: “Hellò! Do you have a daughter? Have you ever thought of having a supplementary pension?”. Ok, maybe tomorrow.

To contact me for a two hours walk in Rome: or  I'll be more than happy to give you all the details.